I want to start a Balanced self-care movement! And, I want to work with like-minded people.
Balanced self-care is where you are taking good care of all (priority) areas of your life in a balanced fashion. No one or two areas of your life is taking all your time and resources.
I’m starting these writings to share information I have and to encourage others wanting to do better in the area of balanced self-care.
I will start with the primary three areas of self-care: “soul, mind and body.” More specifically, I am talking about your spiritual wellbeing, your mental, emotional wellbeing and your physical health.
Future writings will include family togetherness; financial security; social connection; professional and/or educational development; purpose, passion and vision; and civic involvement, because they are all well connected to your soul, mind and body.
Soul – for most people this would be your spiritual connection, whatever that means to you. Since I am a born again Christian, I am referring to your connection and relationship with Jesus Christ. This is the one area that is primary for me. If this one is out of line, does it really matter much about the others? “…seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these (other) things will be given to you as well,” (Matthew 6:33-34). Do you have a good relationship with Jesus Christ?
Mind – your mental and emotional health for most people would include your levels of daily stress; anxiety; confusion; or, peace; tranquility; joy and any other related areas or names of your own choosing. So now, are you taking good care of your mental, emotional health?
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Body – for most people this would be your overall physical wellbeing, involving all areas of your physical body, including eye sight, teeth and all other bodily functions related to regular daily responsibilities and desired activities without being stressed. Physical wellbeing also include your regimen in the areas of a healthy diet, regular physical exercise and getting sufficient rest and sleep. So, are you taking good care of your physical body?
I published a balanced self-care manual titled: “Healthy Living Quality Life” two and a half years ago primarily for my own comprehensive self care and from 30 plus years of research related to my professional role as a trainer of counselors. I posted on my website chapters 3, 4 & 5 from my manual that deals with each of the three areas mentioned earlier.
My website is “Healthylivingqualitylife.com.” I also posted chapter 13, one of the primary implementation chapter for getting things done titled: “Action,” which will be helpful in following up on balanced self-care.
If you already have the manual, start using it and let me know how you are doing. If you do not have the manual, you have a good start with the chapters that are posted on my website.
Be blessed!
Joseph Dear, Ed.D.
jdear@csus.edu /Joedd@frontiernet.net