Article #6 July 5, 2018
Spiritual Connection #1
Healthy Living Quality Life – Balanced self-care – Spiritual Connection #1
Spiritual connection
When spiritual connection and balanced self-care come together, what you get is a motivated Christian living an abundant life. An abundant life is what God promised and it is what we get when we are living in accordance with His high principles.
Spiritual connection is being connected to the Spirit of God. Balanced self-care is where you are taking good care of yourself in all (priority) areas of your life in a balanced fashion. No one or two areas of your life is taking all your time and resources. And, you are doing the best you can in each area of your life.
Of all the areas in your life, mind, body and soul (or spirit), your spiritual connection, that is different from your mind and body, is by far, the most important. Your spiritual connection is the foundation from which to build all other areas of your life.
In other words, when you pair up the spiritual connection with taking care of all areas of your life, not only is the balance likely to be appropriate but the quality of your mental and physical health, social connection, family togetherness, financial security, professional or educational endeavors, your entire lifestyle and all the other areas of life are likely to be in place.
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The spiritual connection is most powerful when you are in close contact with the Word of God. God is Spirit and His Word is instruction for your live.
Spirituality is about the spirit or the soul of a person, a representation or expression of or a search for your inner most being. Sometimes it is not easy to do what you know you need to do to take better care of yourself.
Finding time daily to read the Bible or even to pray, choosing a healthy diet over junk food or sticking to a strict budget during Christmas time, are all regular challenges of life. However, your spiritual connection will help get you through life’s crazy, impossible situations and anything else that life can bring, just believe and act on those beliefs!
Your spiritual connection will help you find peace in the middle of your storms and will provide strength when most would have given up.
The main benefit or advantage of having a spiritual connection as it relates to balanced self-care is if a Holy God who made everything that has ever existed can’t or won’t help you, then you don’t need self-care or balance.
Another benefit of a spiritual connection is the wonderful confirmation you get that you are automatically balanced when you take care of yourself the way the Holy Spirit has advised.
Don’t miss your blessings. Make that spiritual connection!!