My nineth (#9), “Quality Living” Tip of the Day – Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2020
The Tip for Today is: “Physical health”
Diet, physical exercise, sleep, non-stress; regular check-ups and regular hygiene.
I Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?
(1) Mediterranean DIET:
• Daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats
• Weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans and eggs
• Moderate portions of dairy products
• Limited intake of red meat
(2) PHYSICAL EXERCISE (a) cardiovascular exercise (running, speed walking, bike riding); (b) Strength building (pushups or lifting weights; (c) stretching (before, during & after exercising; (d) balance exercises (especially for older adults);
Mark Perry (2012), author of “Physical Fitness: What is Physical Fitness?” He said it is the body’s ability to function efficiently, effectively in work & leisure activities, to resist diseases and to meet emergency situations. (
(3) SLEEP – consistently going to bed and getting up at the same time; removing screens from the bedroom, exercising regularly during the day,
(4) having a NON-STRESSFUL LIFE. The Holy Spirit is my “go to” when I find a stress coming on.
Physical stress (from being tired)
Emotional stress (from worry and anxiety)
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Chronic stress – ( from continuous stress of any kind for long periods of time) to be avoided at all costs. This is dangerous!
(5) REGULAR CHECK-UPS (“physical,” eye and dental exams)
(6) REGULAR HYGIENE – Bathing, brushing & flossing teeth, grooming, changing of clothing and until we are over the Pandemic, appropriately wearing your mask, social distancing and regularly washing your hands.
Have a Blessed day! Giving God the Glory! (Really, give it ALL to Him!)
Joe Dear
(See “about us” on this website.)
Scripture references: I Corinthians 6:19-20
Book reference: Pages 107 to 109 of chapter 5 “Physical Health Development,” from the book, Health Living Quality Life.
On Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 I said it would be fair to say that most people would like to have a quality life. I also said that I know a lot about living a quality life. And, for at least the next few weeks (until the end of the year), I will be writing a few paragraphs (almost every day, probably not Fridays and Sundays) on different topics related to living a quality life.
Before I go to bed, I will give a “Quality Living Tip of the Day.” A corresponding Biblical Scripture will accompany each tip, along with a research reference mostly from the book, “Healthy Living Quality Life.”