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Lifestyle #1

Healthy Living Quality Life – Balanced self-care – Lifestyle

Balanced self-care movement article number #4 6/22/18 Focused topic: Lifestyle #1

Balanced self-care is obtained and sustained by having and keeping an appropriately healthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle is the style of life you choose to live.

Research has shown that a good lifestyle tends to produce good, healthy balance and self-care, whereas a bad lifestyle tends to produce bad health, bad balance and bad self-care. Good lifestyle is a style of life where your soul, mind and body are in accordance with healthy practices.

For your soul, your spiritual connection is healthy (for me that’s my relationship with Jesus Christ); for your mind, you enjoy peace and tranquility, most of the time and you are not stressed all the time; for your body, you eat a healthy diet, most of the time; you do physical exercise at least three or more times a week; you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, most days; you don’t stress a lot and when you do experience stress, it does not last continuously all the time.

Balanced self-care and a good lifestyle is when most of your days are manageable and are fairly consistent with good healthy living. For example, the daily experiences of a person with a good, healthy, balanced self-caring lifestyle are mostly positive, especially if they are a child of God. That is not to say that Christians with a good lifestyle don’t have problems, but I am saying that Christians tend to remain positive and joyful as they confront life’s challenging situations and circumstances. They are not controlled by life’s situations and circumstances.

For me, spiritual connection, family togetherness, mental and physical health, financial security and social connection rounds out my six top priorities, in that order.
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That said, my lifestyle should reflect the time and resources I put into my spiritual connection above everything else, since that is my number one priority. Similarly, my lifestyle should reflect the time and resources I put into that area of my live as compared to all the other areas. In other words, since God is first and my family is second, they should receive most of my time and resources in comparison to all the other areas of my life and my lifestyle should reflect that.

A big question to ask is, is my current lifestyle helping or hindering my spiritual life, my family life and all the other priorities I have set for myself?

Does my current lifestyle allow me to have regular prayer time, time to read my Bible daily, time to associate with fellow Christians on a regular basis? Does my lifestyle allow me to be with and to talk with my family and enjoy them regularly?

Is my lifestyle consistent with a healthy, balanced, self-caring mental, physical, financial and social connection? Is my lifestyle consistent with God’s plan for my life, since this is the most important area of my life? If the answer is yes, then I am headed in the right direction. Lifestyle is foundational to a healthy, balanced, self-caring life.

Be blessed!
Joseph Dear, Ed.D.