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Family Togetherness

My eighth (#8), “Quality Living” Tip of the Day – Monday, Dec. 28, 2020

The Tip for Today is:  “Family Togetherness”

Genesis 2:22, “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man,” (thus creating the first family).

However YOU define family (i.e. your parents and siblings; spouse and children; friends, or whatever), family is important and finding elements of a healthy, happy and strong family is key to living a quality life.

What makes families healthy, happy and strong? Following are two studies with advice :

(1) Seven Strategies for Building Your Family’s Resilience, by Paula Davis-Laack, a trusted expert and lawyer who is the Founder and CEO of the Stress & Resilience Institute. Says, (1) shut down catastrophic thinking; (2) create a strength family tree; (3) Grab the “good” stuff rather the “bad” stuff; (4) Encourage positive risks and discuss the lessons learned from failing; (5) rejuvenate regularly–through positive emotions like laughing and playing together; (6) Be there for each other when things go right, not just when things go wrong; (7) Allow family members to replicate successes; be specific with praise: “you must be really smart” is a better response than just saying “great job.”


(2) Identifying successful families by Krystal, M., Moore, K. A., & Zill, N. (1990), Nine traits have been found (from their research) in families of different types:• caring and appreciation; • time together; • encouragement; • commitment; • communication; • cope with change; • spirituality; • community and family ties; and clear roles.


Have a Blessed day! Giving God the Glory! (Really, give it ALL to Him!)
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Joe Dear

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Scripture references: Genesis 2:22

Book reference: Pages 137 to 139 of chapter 6 “Family Togetherness,” from the book, Health Living Quality Life.

On Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 I said it would be fair to say that most people would like to have a quality life. I also said that, I know a lot about living a quality life. And, for at least the next few weeks (until the end of the year), I will be writing a few paragraphs (almost every day, probably not Fridays and Sundays) on different topics related to living a quality life.


Before I go to bed, I will give a “Quality Living Tip of the Day.” A corresponding Biblical Scripture will accompany each tip, along with a research reference mostly from the book, “Healthy Living Quality Life.”